Facebook or Google for ads?

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While there’s no doubt that Google is still the king of the hill when it comes to online advertising, there are a number of compelling reasons why Facebook is an avenue well worth exploring. The truth is Facebook might just turn out to be the challenger that knocks the king off the hill.

Some of the reasons that make this choice a solid one for most advertisers include:

The lack of competition

Google is an extremely competitive arena that some advertisers no longer have the means to compete in. Facebook has an advertising base that is just a fraction of Google’s at this time. While this might not (and probably won’t) remain so, the timing is perfect for advertisers to check into Facebook’s potential.

The lower costs

Because Google is so competitive and the volume of ads is so high, it can cost advertisers a fair amount per bid to see results. Facebook advertisers can pay pennies and still gain a tremendous amount of traffic for their efforts.

The targeting

Yes, Google offers targeting. It doesn’t, however, enable advertisers to bore down into a user base that is 400 million strong. The ability to target on Facebook is much more well-rounded and can truly help advertisers reach the audience they are after.

The potential exposure

Facebook technically has more page views a month that even Google. This means the potential for exposure is very high.

The easier placement

Facebook doesn’t necessarily use the hard-to-follow and always changing algorithms for ad placement that Google does. Thanks to this, advertising efforts aren’t likely to go out of the window at a moment’s notice like they can on Google.

The social aspects

Google is a search engine. Facebook is a community-based social networking site. This means Facebook advertisers have a greater ability to reach out and really connect with their customers.

The spinoff benefits from this difference alone can be amazing. Google just won’t give advertisers the ability to enjoy a running conversation with their followers. It also won’t enable this “free” advertising platform.

Google might still be the first venue people turn to when they need to advertise online, but it’s no longer the only game in town. Facebook provides a number of benefits that search engines cannot compete with.

Facebook enables advertisers to truly reach the demographics they are after and enjoy the benefits of highly targeted ad placement. In addition, the social networking aspect delivers an incredible spinoff benefit that can drive more business in an advertiser’s direction.

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