Increased Brand Credibility Means Increased Sales

What is Brand Credibility? Brand credibility is often pointed out by marketing experts as one psychological factor that could trigger the buying impulse of consumers. However, just like with any type of triggers, it can produce a positive or negative effect. In this case, it refers to your brand’s reputation and its ability (or inability) […]

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Impact Of Internal Branding In Your Marketing Efforts

About Internal Branding Most companies focus entirely on promoting their brand to create a positive perception of the consumer’s brand that internal branding loses its share of the formula. An important share, at that. Marketing efforts are executed to establish a high-quality brand that delivers to the needs and demands of the consumers. But how […]

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Expanding Your Business Branding Online

Promoting business branding online is similar and yet different from typical marketing strategies. Therefore, you have to make a unique approach to this method of promoting your business brand. And yet, the benefits of using web tools in making your brand distinct include the ability to maximize your business efforts and expanding your business’ reach. […]

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Brand Valuation For More Effective Marketing

What is Brand Valuation? Over the years, brand valuation is being recognized as an important factor to be used in the analysis of marketing and finance efforts involved in the company. It falls under the intangible business assets category and is being closely looked into for ways to expand market share. Hence, many are undertaking new approaches […]

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