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    The Basics

    What Is Brand Equity?

    Brand Equity Defined Brand equity is a marketing term used to refer to the marketing impact of a given product in association with a brand name. It tries to examine how a given product will perform in the market if it did not have the privilege of that brand name. Therefore, the basis for brand […]

    Importance Of Branding Your Business

    What is a Brand? Branding your business is an essential step that any business owner needs to take, whether yours is a small- or big-time business. In fact, it is something that must be looked into during the phase of business planning. A brand is basically a name or a logo that will be used […]

    Branding Strategies

    The Art Of Internet Branding

    What is Internet Branding? Internet branding is one strategy that business owners can employ to establishing their position in the marketplace. Even well-established companies are investing in creating an online brand reputation since internet branding strategies have also produced a massive impact on a brand’s effort to expand. This is most important these days wherein […]