How to Get Rid of Common Bugs Found in the Pantry

Common Bugs

The pantry is a favorite spot of many unwanted insects. What pest wouldn’t love a place where there is such a variety of edible living spaces to be found? Depending on what part of the country you live in, some of these pests may be more common than others. But whatever uninvited guest has made itself at home in your pantry, here is a list of the more frequent ones and how you can get rid of them when they have taken up residence in your kitchen area.

Flour Beetles

These pesky insects love to live in the food they are named after, as well as many other edible substances. If you want to keep your flour and other goods free from these pests, there are several steps you should take. First, clean the entire pantry with a bleach and water solution, being sure to cover every crack and corner. Let the area dry completely, and then get rid of any trace of flour beetle life that you can find.

Indian Meal Moths

These are commonly found where pet food is made or stored. Indian meal moths like a wide variety of dry foods, and can make their way into the tightest of spots, squeezing through tiny openings and chewing holes through bags. You can keep them away by using a variety of essential oils as a spray in your pantry, which acts as a repellent. You can also scrub any infested areas with a mixture of water, soap, and vinegar.


There are several types of weevils, including the rice weevil, the maize weevil, and the granary weevil. Each of these has particular foods they are drawn to, and many of their preferred foods overlap. You can keep these from taking over your pantry by removing foods that are contaminated and by cleaning the entire pantry thoroughly. It is also a good idea to store problem foods in the freezer for a minimum of four days, as this kills all eggs, larvae and mature weevils.

If you have the space, consider freezing your food full time. Heat will also kill weevils in their various forms. Seeds and other similar foods can be cooked on a baking sheet at a temperature of 120 degrees Fahrenheit for one hour.

Saw-Toothed Grain Beetle

This pest’s flat body allows it to easily slip into packaged foods, and even into cracked and damaged grains. The best way to get rid of this food thief is to throw away all infested food and vacuum any loose crumbs from surrounding areas. Store all food in tightly sealed containers to avoid re-infestation.

Cigarette and Drugstore Beetles

These two types of beetles appear almost identical at first glance. They like various edibles and are fairly common. Pheromone traps are a common way to catch these bugs – just be sure to buy the one that is specific to this particular pest, as there are different types of pheromone traps.

No one wants uninvited visitors in their pantry, especially the ones listed above. By following the proper steps, you can destroy these pests and prevent another invasion. Use these simple tips to ensure that your pantry becomes and stays pest-free.

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